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The Amnanda Treatment

A woman getting spa treatment

What is Amnanda?
Amnanda is a holistic process developed by a Tibetan tradition of ayurveda (the science of life) and can be translated as "

path to joy or bliss . The process comprises of 12 therapeutic treatments where the body is anointed with oil to deeply soothe and nourish mind and body. The process is designed to address the effects of long term stress restoring the body to a state of balance. It supports and heals the body on a cellular level replenishing and restoring the muscular, skeletal, endocrine and nervous systems. The path to joy begins to unveil as an inner state of calm and compassion develops. Everybody's experience of the treatment is different, we start from where we are, which is different for all of us and it can be quite emotional at times and you may not know why. For me it has provided a sense of healing, harmony, loving kindness, confidence and clarity.  

What do the sessions involve?
The process comprises of 12 sessions that are scheduled roughly once a month so should be completed within one year. There is flexibility allowing a minimum of 2 weeks and maximum of 6 weeks between each one.   
Each treatment takes around 40 minutes where a specially prepared herb-infused oil is gently applied to the body. A specific mantra is played to further enhance the experience. Each appointment will allow up to 90 minutes to provide an opportunity to discuss anything that may have come up for you in the previous month, as well as time to absorb the effects of the treatment.
You will be provided with two specially formulated herbal teas to support this cleansing and healing process : a mild Green Tea and a Woman/Man Vital Tea that help support the immune and hormonal systems. At months 2 and 5, you will be provided with a tincture to take daily to strengthen and tone the skin. At months 6-12, a nourishing face mask will be applied toward the end of the treatment.
""The Amnanda Process is a journey that unfolds over the year - releasing the effects of trauma held in different areas of the body and at deeper levels with each successive treatment. Healing begins from the first treatment and each person’s journey is highly individual but always includes renewed enthusiasm, greater clarity and direction in life and restored youthful vitality.""


Would the treatment be benefit me?

Each of us has our own journey in life and with that comes it's fair share of stress and as we know, it shows up in multi-faceted ways, consciously and even subconsciously. Amnanda restores our innate ability to manage this when it inevitably occurs. Amnanda can be particularly beneficial if you feel you are at a point of change in your life or if there is something in your past that still troubles you that you would like to find peace with. It can also help if you feel your happiness is being blocked for some reason and you're looking for guidance for what your goals are in life, or if you simply desire to become more relaxed and content with life or perhaps you'd like to just slow down the aging process.


The power of touch

Bonnie Badenoch writes in her book "The Heart of Trauma" a full chapter on the skin which is as the largest organ in the human body and we can think of it as a portal to the brain. Bonnie quotes anthropologist Ashley Montagu;

"The nervous system is, then, a buried part of the skin, or alternatively the skin may be regarded as an exposed portion of the nervous system. It would, therefor, improve our understanding of these matters if we were to think and speak of the skin as the external nervous system, an organ system which from its earliest differentiation remains in intimate association with the internal nervous system."

Bonnie explains how our skin and brains communicate; "Our epidermis is innervated with a variety of neural receptors that respond to touch and bring the outside world inside, sending streams of information inward along the channels of the central nervous system. These receptors sense pain, pressure, temperature, and vibration and, as we are now discovering, also the emotional quality of contact. Fast-acting myelinated A fibers let us know we are experiencing touch in this moment and what kind of touch it is, while slower acting unmyelinated C fibers tell us about continuity of contact and something about the emotional quality as well (Olausson et al., 2002). Early in this century it was discovered that some of these C fibers are connected to our skull brains via the insular cortex, one of the pathways that links emotional significance to experience, Researcher Hakaen Olausson and his colleagues say, "These findings identify CT (C tactile) as a system for limbic touch that may underlie emotional, hormonal and affiliative responses to caress-like, skin-to-skin contact between individuals"(p. 900). Later research found that in addition to the insular cortex, CT fibers are also communicating with a whole network (including the amygdala) that is responsible for social awareness (Gordon et al., 2011). One of the researchers, Kevin Pelphrey, says, "CT fibres activate this whole network of brain regions involved in thinking about other people and trying to understand what their intentions might be" (quoted in Geddes, 2015).​


Amnanda Treatment Prices

£60.00 per treatment (allow 90 minutes per session)

Please allow for the cost of the teas and tinctures. Oils and face mask used during the treatment are included.



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